“sweetness is invincible”

Marcus Aurelius

what’s new?

Au moulin puis au four

Les farines des Moulins Bodson façonnent l’ADN de tous nos produits. Une approche et un savoir-faire uniques, fidèles à notre

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Ici, votre pain est entre de bonnes mains.

Founded in 2013, nowadays the Saperlipopette brand can be discovered at three addresses: la Petite Boutique, selling waffles and other sweet indulgences laid out in a tasty feast for the eyes; la Boulangerie, where breads and pastries are baked daily; and la Crème Glacée, with its heady ice-cream aromas.

Des produits de qualité chez Une Gaufrette Saperlipopette

Our products are the fruit of heartfelt craftsmanship and joyful attention to detail, on the basis of quality ingredients. Originating from ultra-sustainable agriculture in Hesbaye, flours from Moulins Bodson do not undergo any chemical transformation.


Savour our products at home to the rhythm of the sounds we select each month, and make the sensory feast complete.